As Ethiopia is on the process of embracing the prospects of capital markets and started the journey of establishing stock exchange, MLA, a leading corporate law firm in Ethiopian market, is strategically positioning itself to advise and assist clients in navigating the complexities of this capital markets landscape.
Aimed at ensuring that our clients get the highest quality consulting in capital markets, MLA has concluded a technical consultancy partnership with Axis Capital, an Ireland based company, which is led by Mr. Mark Duffy and Mr. Lutz Hartmann. By leveraging Axis’s cutting –edge resources and MLA’s legal acumen, we are striving to provide tailored and strategic advice to our clients engaged in capital markets transactions.
Our Capital Markets Practice Group, co-led by Mr. Mehrteab Leul, Dr. Martha Belete, and Consultants Mr. Mark Duffy and Mr. Lutz Hartmann, provides the following core services.
- Advising companies on the process of listing/IPO Advisory including preparation of IPO prospectuses and related documentations;
- Advising and assisting in registration for capital markets services licenses;
- Providing legal counsel on mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures in the capital markets;
- Advising on securities law and corporate governance issues including ESG;
- Advise on the transparency and ad-hoc communication obligations when listed on the stock exchange;
- Conducting a thorough due diligence on the regulatory environment and potential legal risks;
- Assisting clients in understanding and complying with the general regulatory framework governing capital markets; and
- Provide training programs for clients to ensure understanding and compliance with the securities laws and regulations.