Founded by Mehrteab Leul Kokeb, and a leading full-service law office in Ethiopia, and has over 20 years experience advising and representing clients on wide range of legal issues concerning business and investment in the country.
Gutema Kajela

Position: Trainee Associate
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Biography: Gutema Kajela is a Trainee Associate in the Corporate and Tax Practice Group. Gutema also works in the Employment and Immigration Practice Group.
Education: LL.B, Addis Ababa University School of Law, with Very Great Distinction and Gold Medal Award (2023 G.C.)
Selected Experience:
- Prepared legal opinions on various commercial matters, tax issues, telecommunication sector, employment matters, forex regulation, etc.;
- Participated in and processed company incorporation;
- Participated in the issuance of legal due diligence and tax due diligence;
- Advised and assisted several companies and NGOs on the employment and immigration matters;and
- Participated and assisted in litigation cases, especially tax litigation cases